Spaghetti sauce, research, and product development

I came by another interesting video at ted. The speaker talks about how there are no “one best product”, people rather prefer different things. However, people are generally unable to put what they like into words. Though the speaker talks about pasta sauce, his points are easily relevant to research and product development. The bottom …

A PhD on Open Source on Open Source Part 6 – Running Windows Applications on Linux (No More Windows Whining With Wine)

Wine is an open source implementation of the Windows API, meaning that it enables you to run a wide variety of Windows applications on Linux. I have known of Wine for quite some time but as normally have had a Windows computer around I have not gone to the trouble of installing it. I guess …

A PhD on Open Source on Open Source Part 3 – Setting up a Latex Thesis Template

In the previous part of this series I wrote about using Latex to write a thesis. I will now give stepwise instructions to how to set up a new project using Eclipse and Texlipse and how to use a thesis template. The template is a skeleton made for writing a thesis based on a collection …

A PhD on Open Source on Open Source Part 2 – Software for Writing Papers and Thesis

In the first part of this series of blog entries I introduced some basic features of open source software (OSS). In the second and following parts I will discuss open source software I use to make my day as a researcher simpler. One of the most important activities related to research is publication and dissemination …

A PhD on Open Source on Open Source Part 1

When doing a PhD on Open Source Software (OSS) one has to take benefit of the many great OSS products which are can make your life simpler. In this series of post I will present some of the OSS products I have found to simplify my PhD life. This will be a presentation of the …