Game of the year so far – 2010

In the latest episode of the Bonus Round over at they discussed the best games of 2010 so far. I did something similar last year, and I thought it was about time to do the same for 2010. The year of 2010 has already seen several very good games. My pick for the game …

Gaming the first half of 2009

In January I wrote a piece on the games I was looking forward to the first third of 2009. I intended to follow this up for the second third of the year as well but the spring and the summer has been rather quiet when it comes to new must-have games (at least for me). …

Which platform has the best games?

Fan boys all over the Internet are claiming that their platform is the best one and that their platform has the best games. I recently read this rather inconclusive article on a Norwegian  gaming site and I decided to put these claims to the test myself. It is impossible to test whether a game is …