Downloading music for charity sounds too good to be true don’t it? It isn’t but well you have to pay for it. I recently discovered this acoustic version of All within my hands on Youtube. Even though St. Anger has some highlights I must admit that it isn’t my favorite Metallica album (that is of …
Tag Archives: DRM
The higher you are, the farther you fall
Everyone knows that there are a lot of ignorant people in the movie/music industry. It has for a long time annoyed me and most other customer of the movie/music industry that the industry’s only response to piracy is legal prosecution of downloaders instead of actually providing the digital global, DRM-free, and platform independent services we …
DRM: Finally a step in the right direction?
It seems the DRM debate finally is taking a step in the right direction and that some publishers are finally understanding their customers. EA recently annonced that The Sims 3 will be shipped without “DRM methods that feel overly invasive or leave you concerned about authorization server access in the distant future”. What this means …
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DRM Ruining the PC Gaming Industry
DRM (Digital Rights Management) is about to ruin the PC gaming industry. I am not the first to state this and probably not the last either. The discussion about DRM and PC games has reached new heights with EA’s release of Spore. Ben and Rob over at Tom’s Games discuss this here and here in …