Selecting a HTPC/Gaming Case

Building a combined HTPC and gaming rig for the living room is according to a lot of people a stillborn idea. Nevertheless, I have a HDTV and a surround setup and I want to enjoy PC games using it. Where the HTPC is slim, cool and silent the gaming rig is big, powerful and noisy. …

Free, as in Free Beer, Increases Book Sales

According to the Norwegian newspaper Aftenposten, the author Neil Gaiman increased his book sales after posting one of his books online, for free. While the Free Software Foundation and free software enthusiasts normally talk about free as in free speech, Neil Gaiman decided to rather go for the free beer. Who could resist free beer? …

A PhD on Open Source on Open Source Part 2 – Software for Writing Papers and Thesis

In the first part of this series of blog entries I introduced some basic features of open source software (OSS). In the second and following parts I will discuss open source software I use to make my day as a researcher simpler. One of the most important activities related to research is publication and dissemination …

Lost in new mysteries

I really do not watch a lot of tv and tv-series (at least not until they start broadcasting over the Internet and allow me to decide when I want to watch them)  but after finishing season four of Lost I was again left with more questions than answers. I know they do this to make …