Backing up/ripping a blu-ray disc

A while back I started to back up my DVD collection using Linux (dvdbackup and Handbrake). For Blu-ray disks I have unfortunately not found any good solutions for Linux and only open source software. Therefore, this guide will show how you may back up your Blu-rays on the MS Windows platform, using AnyDVD HD, BDInfo, …

BankID and Java plug-in in Firefox on Ubuntu Part 5

I have previously written about getting BankID to work on a Linux/Ubuntu computer. Even though BankID worked on a fresh install of Ubuntu 11.04 with OpenJDK, it seems to work best with Sun’s Java implementation. This post will guide you through installing Sun’s JRE and removing OpenJDK. First install Sun’s java implementation. I installed it …

Backing up shared, encrypted content with Ubuntu One

Providing a shared folder across the home network is a very useful way to store documents. The documents are available to all the computers in the network, and it is far easier to back them up using one of the many online services. Some of these services provide encryption of your data. However, Ubuntu One …

C Sports: Il buono, il brutto, il cattivo: Part 2

Last year, I complained about the pricing and lack of Linux support from the C Sports service. It was at the time, the only service (legally) providing Premiere League streams through the Internet (at least here in Norway). Now, things have changed. TV2’s Sumo is now the new provider of Premiere League streams here in …